Friday, January 16, 2009

Cue the red carpet and the guys with really long trumpets

Hello the four people who read this blog! Isn't this a big improvement? A big shout out to Rachel at Blog Candy Designs for helping me fix up the hot mess that was my previous blog. I am very creative in my head, but I have no ability whatsoever to actually deliver on anything. Rachel, on the other hand, is extremely creative and I think a little psychic because most of my descriptions to her were extremely flaky and she figured me out anyway. Big props to Rachel.

You will see once you look around a bit that I have a few new items that I'm hoping to update in the very near future. My current obstacle (now that I don't have to be ashamed at how pathetic my blog looks) is that my children have TOTALLY buggered up my computer by downloading all sorts of things that exist to wreck me, and if that wasn't enough they left the desk lamp on and pulled down to about 3 inches away from the keyboard and melted everything left of 2wsx. I am NOT impressed. So, I have a brand new laptop on order that will be MINE MINE MINE. I had to hold the 'shift' key down the whole time I was typing that because the 'caps lock' is left of 2wsx. Curse those children....

As I was saying, once my laptop arrives and I refuse to let anyone touch it other than ME I can lock myself in my bedroom and pretend to be masterbating all while I'm really updating the blog. Keely told me to use that excuse so you can blame her for the ewww factor you just experienced.


Casey said...

Oh, I like it! I had to put a baby gate around my entire office area to keep the kids from breaking my PC.

I love Keely's excuse....

Keely said...

What? It would keep them away.

LOVE the look. It's so totally YOU, ya hippie.