Wednesday, September 2, 2009

And then we turned 30....

There are four main peeps in my posse. You have already met Keely, of course, and I believe I have mentioned Valentina and Politica a time or two around these parts. It’s really too bad Keely started blogging first and didn’t feel it necessary to hide behind the veil of a trumped up nick-name because now we all have cool aliases and she is still just Keely. When I put us all together in print like that it sounds like she hangs around a bunch of strippers and superheroes. Anyway….

The four of us went to high school together and have remained pretty close for the last (mumble mumble) years. We’re pretty much the same age, with all of us having birthdays within about 13 months of each other. Valentina is the oldest with Keely bring up the rear 13 months later. This if course means Valentina was the first one to turn 30.

Feeling it necessary to celebrate in a big way we planned a surprise party that included bringing Politica in from BC. She jumped at the chance since it was April and a trip to Saskatchewan would give her the opportunity to turn her nose up at our lack of adequate foliage. Keely was traipsing around New Zealand somewhere at the time, but we weren’t going to let that stop Politica and I from partying with our newly minted cougar.

We shelved the husbands and kids and took off to our neighbouring city about 3 hours away for a weekend of shopping, eating, drinking, laughing, pillow fights in our underwear and tickle parties (that last bit was just for all you male readers). We had a great time and definitely ushered Valentina into her 30’s in style.

Then it was my turn. Again, the girls planned a SURPRISE! party. Now I figured they would do something, but I was actually surprised when Politica arrived since she had just been here 6 months earlier. Keely had finally brought her Ozzy lovin’ ass home and was able to join us for a weekend trip to the spa. Off the four of us went and again, and it was awesome. We ate, we drank, we marinated ourselves in giant dry-cleaning bags stuffed with in seaweed, swam in some salty water and they even treated me to my very first manicure. I’m pretty sure that was strategic ‘cause if anyone needs a manicure it’s me. I have a nervous energy cuticle biting problem. But I digress…..

Then it was Politica’s turn! Clearly we had no choice but to head out to BC to celebrate her arrival into Club-30, right? Well, that was the position I was taking with the Hubby who was starting to raise an eyebrow about it all. I think the quote was,

“Holy shit, you guys are just turning 30. Why do you each need your own fucking Bat Mitzvah?”

Because we just DO, okay? Turning 30 to women is a big deal. Turning 30 to women is akin to a mans first incident of flaccidness. You want to be drunk when it happens.

So off we went to the bountiful blooming British Columbia so the three of us could be standing by with a warm dry towel when Politica was shoved out of the fountain of youth. You know the drill....we shopped, we ate we drank, blah, blah, blah… It was wonderful.

Then it was Keely's birthday. Holy shit, again? Alrighty....... Politica schlepped her ass back to Saskatchewan so we could have another weekend of indulgences. We rented a limo and went bar hopping. If you haven’t ever done that before, I highly recommend it because we had a blast. Keely refers to it fondly as the weekend we tried to kill her, and I’m pretty sure she hasn’t had more than three drinks in a row since. Her liver still sends me a Christmas card each year.

So, all in all it was a full year of partying our assess off. Looking back now I have no idea how we managed to afford to do all that, but we made it work somehow. I probably just fed my family KD for two straight months or something. KIDDING! Mr. Noodle is way cheaper.

So, we are now a stone’s throw from forty. But, like a really small stone you can throw really far. While the year of quarterly drunken madness was certainly fun, I think I might advocate just one group trip somewhere for the big 4-0. I think the four of us in Vegas would be pretty awesome. I better start sweet talking Keely's liver now.


robin said...

Damn, you girls sure know how to whoop it up! When I turned 30 I had a quiet dinner with friends. Fun but definitely nothing to blog about!
I am turning 40, uh, soon. (Like, count the months soon. Shiiiit! ) But now I know who to go to for ideas!

Keely said...

You say "fondly", I say "literally"...

Captain Dumbass said...

40, ugh. That's soonish, and more soon than ish. Strippers and superheroes, heh. You should ask Keely about some of the new superheroes we thought up.

The Dental Maven said...

Vegas will never be the same. You Canadians know how to par-tay!

Michele said...

40 is not nearly as bad as 30 but it still deserves a party. Vegas would be just the ticket.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun to me. When I turned thirty my son just told me I was old and I think I conned my husband to taking me to a movie in lieu of a gift...

Damn I should have thought of the party weekend thing.

Sherendipity said...

I turn 40 in a year and 24 days. Can I come too??!!

Jacquie said...

I can't wait till I turn 30 if I get to do something like this! I think Vegas would rock for all of you!


My childhood girlfriends and I went to Vegas for our collective 40th birthdays.....and it was soooooo worth it!


Ahem.....of course, I can't talk about it....but it was great!

Casey said...

When I read about you and Keely's adventures, it makes me want to head north and join your posse. Can I? Please? I'm only 32 but I can fake 40 in a few years so we can all party together. And fuck to the yeah, I'm in for Vegas. Wait, I wasn't invited.

Stacy Uncorked said...

Oh I totally think you all should have a big bash in Vegas...that way Casey and I can crash the party. ;)

Ashlee said...

Party it up in VEGAS!!!